Customer Testimonials

Exquisite Oil Paintings and Fine Art

Hyper-Realism oil paintings on canvas by fine artist Ganna Halvorsen – Los Angeles, California, are focused on creating frozen in time, unique perspective of commonplace objects captured in quotidian circumstances. Ganna’s latest series celebrates beautiful realism with distinctly classic aesthetic tone. The oil paintings reflect a four dimensional dream like style in a traditional millions of brush strokes mosaic.

The artist is also available for commissioning.

"Ganna Halvorsen's work is uniquely beautiful and passionate. Her sensuous flower forms and twisting still life are executed with elegance and ravishing color as a contemporary brio." 
Hilton Kramer - A Legendary Art Critic

"Here is an artist who was able to unleash her true metier intimately and faultlessly with so much love and devotion to her artwork. Ganna's oil paintings are a delight to the eye, mind and heart." 
The Art Critic - Artnet Magazine